Why we want to be sustainable
Our planets health condition is turning worse year by year. Slowly the world is contributing to change. From waste new things are being created, old is recycled to new use and countries are trying to adapt renewable energy slow by slow.
And so the fashion industry is finding ways to turn scraps and plastic into new clothing and accessoiries.
A textile takes a production process from ( let's take cotton for example) the cotton plant to the cleaning, filtering, processing to the manufactoring and coloring process, which wastes so much water and energy.
According to studies about 2.700litres of water is use to produce the cotton for a single T-shirt! (source: WWF,2013)
"The fashion industry is responsible for 10 % of annual global carbon emissions, more than all international flights and maritime shipping combined. At this pace, the fashion industry's greenhouse gas emissions will surge more than 50 % by 2030." (source: www.worldbank.org-news, 23.09.2019)
Our goal
What we already have