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What we mean by "halal fashion"

The Term Halal is a common islamic term for "allowed" or "kosher". 

It often appears when we talk about islamic conform food. But it has more meaning to it.

Let's break it down.

Halal food also means that no animal was abused for the sake to be eaten.

Islam is about peace and genrousity, a good heart and the lifestyle should project these values.

Why we think that fast fashion is not halal

As well as we have to only consume from an animal that lived a good life, we should give the Human that makes your T-shirt the same respect and value!

According to the ILO (International Labour Organisation) over 260 million childrenare are employed around the world. 170 million are engaged in child labour making textiles and garments to satisfy the demand of costumers in the US, Europe and Co. (source :

And so we believe, we should not support exploitation and abuse to achieve success in our business. 
We want to be a company , that pays and takes care of workers and their children in the future .


"Islam freed the slave."

That is why we produce localy in germany. We will only supply from family businesses who work in healthy conditions.

We don't supply textiles made in China starting from 2021.
We don't supply fabric made in China, unless stated different.
Join our movement #avoidingchildlabour&exploit

Designed in Germany

est. 2021



No child was harmed

100% ethical
