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Free shipping at 70€ (Germany)

Free shipping worldwide over 200€

Free shipping in europe over 150€


Shipping information (eng)

Shipping & payment information


Payment & shipping options

1. Payment options

1.1. For buyers in germany we allow the followinf listed options, if not stated differentely for a specific item in the store:

- bank transfer (instant)

- Paypal


- Creditcard 

1.2.For buyers in europe we offer the following payment options, if not stated differently for a specific item in the store:

- bank transfer (in advance)

- Paypal

- bank transfer (instant)


1.3For buyers outside of europe we offer the following payment options, if not stated differently for a specific item in the store:

- bank transfer (in advance)


-bank transfer (instant)

-Creditcard (Visa Card) 

2. Shipping

2.1. We shipp your package with DHL.

3. Shipping costs

3.1. For shipping inside Germany we charge   5,99 EUR per package. We charge 0,00EUR per package if the order costs exceed 70,00EUR.

3.2. For shipping inside Europe we charge   8,99 EUR for shipping . If the order costs exceed 150,00EUR shipping will be free . For small packages (exp. Mailers ) we charge  5,99EUR.

3.3 For shipping outside of Europe we charge  15,99EUR per package (if above 2kg weight). If package is under 2kg we charge  9,99EUR. If order costs exceed 200,00EUR shipping will be free.

3.4. We fullfill shipping requierments and packaging by ourselfes and don't use a third company.

4. Shipping can take from 3-7 working days inside Germany and from 14- 20 working days abroad (worldwide).

5. Shipping is ensured. The higher shipping costs include insurance and tracking.

6. You will receive the tracking number of your shippment by email.

7.Returns are paid by costumer.

8.We aren't liable for packages that have been destroyed by third parties.

9. Some products will be costom made which will take some time to get the product to you. We will inform you individually in this case.


Because of Covid-19 shipping takes longer than usual. We try to send you your order as fast and issueless as we can. If you have qustions feel free to contact us through the contact form on our website!

Designed in Germany

est. 2021



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