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Hijab in europe- a point of view

Hijab in europe- a point of view - cjour

Hijab in western point of view

Hijab is often viewed as a symbol of oppression in western media. A reason why many Hijabis can't find jobs and (in some countries) even aren't allowed to proceed their careers in universities.

Women that cover their hair are being considered oppressed, uneducated and less qualified than women who don't cover.

They see in revealing the real idea of freedom but not in willingly covering up.

Let's define the word "freedom" first

Freedom is the right to be who you want to be & the state of not being a slave.

Does being free means to do what you want?

  "As long as no harm is done by your actions enjoying your own freedom."

There is a misconception nowadays that being careless and only living for your own self is empowering and the real freedom. But how can it be "freeing" if it harms everyone else? 

With this logic, a thief can rob a bank with the same argument of being a free individual enjoying the freedom.


How do we remove the prejudice?

The beauty about Islam is that how we treat others, defines us. If we treat a person, an animal or living being in a harming way, it makes us looking bad and evil. And thats what feeds the western media. 

But it's also the problem of not being educated enough about Islam and Non-western cultures, that makes people feel uncomfortable around us.

  • To decrease the distance between them und us, we have to break the ice and come forward to them.
  • Trying to show yourself from the best side, will make you more approachable 
  • Even dressing up, mixxing cultures together by using elements from both sides can create a familiar feeling connecting both sides with eachother.     

    by R.K.


We will provide you soon with  styling tips - especially adjusted to the women and girls who don't feel comfortable wearing hijab in the western world.


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